Reporting, Recording and Relaying - But Always Telling It As I See It

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day

This is my goal...try to write something every single day for a year. 'Nuff said about that. (Well, one more note, I am going to do this without editing much...actually I will not edit at all.)

Big news today at the house are these baby gerbils. Supposedly we were sold two males. Well, unless one underwent a sex change, this was not the case. We now have, at last count, six gerbils including mom and dad. One baby died at some point and he is now in the outside garbage can, My wife asked Chris if he wanted a box to bury him in. Thank God he said no, so the little guy is in the garbage. It took us until this afternoon to figure out who in the hell the mother was. But seeing Blackjack standing outside her purple house with two babies sucking on her teets solidified that.

It was an animal day with a trip to Living Treasures...other than that the rain fucked up just about everything else.

I am going to rate this day a could have easily been a solid B but the other B was in a bad mood.

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